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女人emojidepicts a generic adult女人.它和其他表情符号一起排序来显示职业,比如女人消防员,并创造了不同的家庭和关系表情符号,比如吻:女人,女人emoji❤️。

女人emojiis often used with emoji such as the女性的标志emoji为了庆祝国际妇女节,为每年的3月8日。



Where does Woman emoji come from?

这是2010年的一个家庭事务,当时Unicode 6.0批准了男人。女孩男孩婴儿,女人emoji。

在苹果(Apple)和Twitter等平台上,默认为女人emojihas blonde hair. On others, such as Google and Facebook, she is a brunette. Her default form has an ethnically neutral yellow face, though users can select different skin tones to change the color of her face and hair for their desired representation.

别把她和女孩表情符号,看起来像女人emojibut with the hair pulled into pigtails: .

女人emojiis available as a stand-alone emoji, programmers have paired her code with other emoji to create a wide range of female forms of existing emoji, from the女性农民女子高尔夫球️♀️emoji。例如,女人机械emojiis a combination of of the女人emoji而且the扳手emoji很多平台都把它变成了一个表情符号。

这种表情符号的魔力延伸到了对家庭和关系的描绘上,比传统的母亲-父亲或丈夫-妻子的配置提供了更多的多样性。例如,家庭:女人,女人,女孩Emoji,用了两个女人emoji而且a女孩emoji来depict two female parents who have a daughter, again transformed into a single image by newer platforms.

例子of Woman emoji

@kassiebaca199 2017年12月29日
@HeoldduEnglish, 2021年3月5日

Who uses Woman emoji?

在社交媒体上或短信中女人emojiis occasionally used alone to signify an adult woman and with other person-based emoji, like男人。而且女孩,谈论家庭。


女人emojiis very often paired with other emoji to take pride in accomplishments, signal professional identity, or promote gender diversity in society. The emoji也是用来标记的吗自1911年以来,国际妇女节一直被纪念。3月8日,该节日旨在让人们关注女性平等和性别平等问题,同时也让人们关注慈善事业和女性的成就。

的许多变体女人emojiexist. For example, the女生emojiis a combination of the女人而且毕业表情符号,尽管它仍然单独显示在旧的软件。

女教师emojiis a combination of the女人而且学校emoji。

女人emojiis placed next to the移动PC表情符号,她是一个女人的技术员

最后,女人emojiis a very popular stand-in for a mother on Mother’s Day, often paired with a孩子emoji而且emoji或花束emoji。




This is not meant to be a formal definition of Woman emoji like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of Woman emoji that will help our users expand their word mastery.