


或美国国旗表情符号【国旗vthee yoo -nahytidsteytsih -卫生部jee]


美国国旗emoji displays the flag of the美利坚合众国(美国)。它通常用来代表美国、美国人、从美国或到美国旅行的东西、美国人爱国主义,美国民族主义对美国价值观的支持。红白蓝三色美国国旗上有13道条纹,代表最初的13个殖民地,左上角饰有50颗星,代表现代的50个州。

美国国旗emoji is commonly used every day, it increases in usage during American holidays. This includes独立日(7月4日),美国国旗纪念日(6月14日),阵亡将士纪念日(五月的最后一个星期一)退伍军人节(11月11日),以及总统节(二月的第三个星期一)。




Where does Flag of the United States emoji come from?

美国国旗表情符号,也俗称美国国旗emoji于2015年加入emoji 1.0。在支持它的平台上,表情符号是通过组合而成的区域指示灯符号字母Uemoji and区域指示符号字母Semoji。在不支持的设备上,该表情符号显示为大写的“US”。在大多数主流平台上,美国国旗emoji depicts an American flag waving in the wind. On Twitter, the emoji depicts the flag (which only has 18 stars) as a rectangle with rounded corners.

意料之中的是,美国国旗emoji is an extremely popular emoji among Americans. As is the case in most other countries, the flag is seen as a national symbol and very many Americans are proud of it. The美国国旗emoji is often used by Americans to express pride in their country and the American values of自由而且自由.美国政客尤其有可能使用美国国旗emoji on social media.

其他一些常见的原因美国国旗emoji is used include commemorating American holidays, showing support of American athletes or teams in international competitions, discussing American history, and celebrating American achievements.

例子of Flag of the United States emoji

God bless America, land that I love Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with the light from above ❤️
@TheNotoriousMMA, 2020年11月5日
@JTansey90, 2018年7月4日

Who uses Flag of the United States emoji?

如你所料,美国国旗emoji is popular among Americans. In particular, the emoji is often used to express American pride.

美国国旗emoji is also used to commemorate American holidays.

美国国旗emoji is also used to show support to fellow Americans.




This is not meant to be a formal definition of Flag of the United States emoji like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of Flag of the United States emoji that will help our users expand their word mastery.